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LOVEBREAKERS pop punk from UK


LOVEBREAKERS create timeless, feel-good rock n’ roll music. They are Jack (vocals & guitar), Christian (bass), Chino (lead guitar) and Nathan (drums). Their debut full-length record “Primary Colours” was recorded in Costa Mesa, California. The album has a vibrant sound, drawing upon influences such as The Clash, Tom Petty and The Replacements. “Primary Colours” received radio play from nationwide stations such as BBC Radio 1, BBC 6 Music and Radio X. In recent times, LOVEBREAKERS have toured with Social Distortion amongst many other exciting artists. The second record from LOVEBREAKERS is currently planned for a 2024 release. You can hear a preview of the album from their self-released singles such as the power-pop ear worm “Isolation Summer”, the infectious “Attracted To Your Fashion” and the modern day anthem “Spark”.
mrs.anthrope ist ein Punkrock-Quintett aus dem Saarland. Melodische und charismatische Hymnen schaffen einen gelungenen Spagat zwischen Euphorie und sozialkritischen Themen. mrs.anthrope suchen keine Vorbilder, sondern wollen charismatischen Punkrock spielen. Sie schreiben ständig neue Songs und am 15. Dezember erscheint ihre erste Single ‚Squeezy Brains‘ als 7“ Split mit ihren Kollegen von Christmas.


Am Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2024 / Beginn: 20:00 Uhr / kinett Kusel / Am Hofacker 11 / 66869 Kusel


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